Saturday 30 March 2019

March 31st

Well a busy day with 2 Sand Martin over the house first thing , a walk round Soil hill was different as it is now covered in grass not a piece of bare ground anywhere , plenty of Skylarks , Mipits , Buzzard (1) and a couple of Curlew.....Then down to Cromwell bottom for a Swallow ( my first ever March Swallow in Calderdale) and a Kingfisher which was my 100th local species for the year, then home and another Sand Martin over 5 Buzzards  and a Sparrowhawk....Leo and Ring necked Parakeet............and  early returning waders  , good Waxwing and Whooper numbers  made for a great start to the year with 101 species  at the end of March ..  ...........


David Sutcliffe said...

Doing well on the count Andy. Hope you get the record this year - getting anywhere near 150 is a tough call in Calderdale.

AndyC said...

I was going for a 100 before the first of April and the first March Swallow was a bonus( Gordon Denisons ideas from a few years back )......150 is too stressful , you have to go for everything......