Friday 26 July 2024

Raggalds Flood *******

It was great to see the 3 Lapwing chicks fly from breeding at Raggalds flood  , in the same area Little Owl , Wheatear and Curlew.......

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Last few days

 I watched an adult male Merlin at Bridestones the other day , twisting and turning  just below the stones it was after a Meadow Pipit ,then a small group of Swallows were alarming and dive bombing the Merlin,It gained height and stooped , plucking a Swallow out of the sky. breath taking........Still plenty Snipe activity at Bridestones and  a good display of common Dragonfly's on the ponds. Adult female and juv Wheatear looked good for local breeders and Stonechats raised one young at least.

13 Pied Wagtails on the cricket pitch and a steady stream of BH Gulls over north.....White Letter Hairstreaks and Purple Hairstreaks have also been seen this week

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Chambers Farm Wood

 Silver -Washed Fritillary x 15 + seen in display flights and a pair in cop. White Admiral x 2 , Purple Hairstreak x 5 + , Red Admiral x 4 , Large and Small Skipper , 3 common whites , Ringlet , Meadow Browns , and a few Commas , Small Torts and Peacock ......

A stunning adult male..................

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Thursday 11 July 2024

Cricket Pitch

 A busy morning on the Cricket pitch  , the Pied Wagtails are up to 9 birds 2 x adult male , 1 adult female and 6 juvs , 7 LBBGulls  4 adults , 3 juvs , 3 BH Gulls all adults  , 55 Starlings , 6 Blackbirds , 8 House Sparrows , 3 Woodpigeon and 4 Linnets ,2 adults and 2 juvs.....It was nice to bump into a Badger the other night and  loads of bats about........

Tuesday 9 July 2024


  Had a walk around an area near Hunshelf today , the first bird I saw was a juv Wheatear , closely followed by 2 Lesser Whitethroats in some brambles , it was an area of pretty traditional farmland and before long a few Skylarks could be hear calling from the fields. It was great to see Yellowhammers and Linnets in a flock of 35 + birds . Then a small group of 5 Tree Sparrows 2 adults and 3 juvs. A Red Kite drifted over and a few calls of Meadow Pipits going over...a great sound to hear and the onset of Autumn migration........

Saturday 29 June 2024

is that the first sign of Autumn

 Over the last few days , I have seen a flock of 6 Curlews flying west , failed non breeders or  flying family party bit high to get any detail ,a steady stream of Black headed Gulls west , no Juveniles yet , large numbers of Swifts heading mainly south and LBBGulls and Herring Gulls also west. The first family party of Pied Wagtails on the Cricket Pitch today and  as usual here an excellent breeding season for both Starlings and House Sparrow. The local Buzzards are seen every day as well as Sparrowhawks. 2 Juv Green Woodpeckers and and 1 juv Great Spot have been seen down near the woods. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 Back down in Nottingham last week , and my good run of birds continued with an adult Spoonbill along the river Trent near Gainsbrough heading north . Flushed a \Green Sandpiper ,Lesser Whitethroats everywhere , 1 female Widgeon was a surprise  among the Gadwalls , Shovelers and Shelducks . Plenty Little Egrets and a pair of very vocal Peregrines.

Sunday 2 June 2024


 Lots of Swifts over Bridestones over the weekend , and a lot of Snipe 'wing dipping' and some general display flight . Golden Plover ,Curlew , Oyck's, Skylarks , Meadow Pipit , and Red Grouse are all showing signs of successful breeding in the area. House Sparrow feeding in one of the fields was an on site tick. Pied Wags , Swallows , Common Heath , Northern Oak Eggar , and a couple of micros to sort out..

Barn Owls and Little Owls are both doing well in the area.

Tuesday 28 May 2024


 The Twite recovery project folded today , a very sad day for all . I remember flocks of them at Soil Hill , Whiteholme , back of Fly flatts , Langfield |Common held 20 + breeding  pairs when we used to go up and help out the Peregrine watch up there , and at Derby delph they were common...Well done to Tim Walker , Brian Leesey , Nick Carter , Andre Raine , Tim Melling , Steve Downing  etc etc.but Climate Change is upon us......

Swifts ,

 Swift migration is in full flow at the moment with many birds over Northowram and Bridestones the last few days . Swallows seem to have settled down to nest , a few House Martins about as well. Golden Plover , Snipe , Skylark, Kestrel , Fox Moth and Bilberry Hook Wing at Bridestones and55 + Starlings feeding on Northowram Cricket Pitch ,more young every day.....House Sparrows seem to be doing well also...

Thursday 23 May 2024

A dull evening at Bridestones

Lapwing , Curlew , Snipe , Golden Plover , Dunlin , Skylark ,Swallows , Fox Moth , Bilberry Hook Wing ...

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Romania May 2nd to 11th 2024

4 Demoiselle Crane ..bird s of the trip.......

 May in Romania is an amazing ornithological bonanza, migration off the Black Sea is phenomenal. Last year we recorded 209 species and this year 202 ,(without going into the mountains).In total 231 species in 3 weeks . Goshawk , Artic Skua , Pallid Harrier , Lesser Kestrel , Scop's Owl , Levant's Sparrowhawk , Hen Harrier , Black-eared Wheatear , Quail , Corncrake , Greater Flamingo , Yellowhammer, Kentish Plover , Green Sandpiper , Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler , Little Bittern , Middle Spotted Woodpecker , Caspian Tern , Cettis Warbler and Desmoiselle Crane were new to Romania for me..

This spring we managed to hit the passage of Black Terns and again Nightjar passage over the sea at Vadu.

A one and a half mile walk in Badabag Forest produced at least 30 Icterine Warbles singing  on territory , 15 Red Breasted Flycatchers and 10 Wood Warblers , Hawfinch were common , the highlight was a male Collared Flycatcher singing from a clearing in the wood . Common Glider was an excellent find and Glanville Fritillary showed exceptionally well . Lesser Spotted and Middle Spotted Woodpecker nests were found. and Syrian Woodpecker was commonly seen.

 On the coat near Istria there were apox 5000 + Black Terns (100's of White Winged Black and a few Whiskered mixed in) feeding just above an area of arable fields and a flock of 400 + Ruff and 10 + Red footed Falcons  in the same fields,  100+ flock of Little Gulls were on one of the nearby lakes.30 Red throated Pipits , 2 Honey Buzzards Drifted over and in the bushes Barred Warbler , Wryneck and Lesser Grey Shrike. White Pelicans were moving north and this is when Gary picked out the birds of the trip 4  Demoiselle Cranes , a lifer for all of us. Even those old buggars who saw the dodgy one at Spurns many years ago  (AC,AZ and NCarter). Gary also picked out a Lesser Kestrel that if accepted will be only the first for  21 years....

 No let up in the birding as we headed to Vadu , Lesser Spotted Eagles ,lots of Monty's Hen and a couple of  Pallid Harrier , Isabeline , Black -eared , Pied and Northern Wheatear , a small flock of 4 Woodchat Shrike , Rollers , Bee Eaters , Red Backed Shrikes ,waders on every small pool , mainly Wood Sands , Curlew Sands , Ruff and Little Stints but occasionally Temminck's and Kentish Plovers. Palla's Gull can be seen flying overhead most days on the coast.

  Vadu was birding heaven , same as last year with many highlights , but 57 + Nightjars in two days was exceptional. Broad billed Sands .

 Great views of Levants Sparrowhawk displaying was another highlight.


Monday 13 May 2024

Romania Moths and Butterflies

 Mallow Skipper

Grizzled Skipper

Scare Swallowtail 

Small White 

Large White 

Green -veined White 

Eastern Bath White 

Eastern Dappled White

Orange Tip

Common Blue 

Small Blue 

Eastern Baton Blue

Brown Argus 

Silver -studded Blue

Clouded Yellow 

Pale Clouded Yellow

Large Copper

Small Copper

Small Heath 

Red Admiral

Wall Brown 


Queen of Spain Fritillary

Glanville Fritillary

Spotted Fritillary

Common Glider

Lasts years Butterflys not seen this year ,Swallowtail , Camberwell Beauty , Black -veined White , Silver Washed Fritillary and European Map (32 species)


Four - Spotted

Sunday 12 May 2024

Romania..10th May 2024...Vadu sea watch and migrant search

 An amazing day at Vadu , Romania 

Seawatch 10.00 - 11.30 and 16.50 - 18.00

Nightjar ,x 40 , mostly female singles , 2 x 3(3 f + 2f + 1 m) )and 2 x 2 (3 f and 1 male) l , mostly very low to the sea north , but a few in off...

Artic Skua 4 north and 1 south 

Black -throated Diver  x 4 ,,3 north and 1 blogging

Little Tern x 5 

Hoopoe 1 in off

Bee-eater ----small groups north and in off

Black Tern x 150 + north

White winged black tern x 20 north 

Whiskered Tern x 2 north 

Sandwich Tern x 20 north 

Common Tern x 10 north 

Pallas's Gull x 1 adult summer north

Slender billed Gull x 2 north

Little Gull x 2 north 

Med Gull x 20 + north

Yellow legged Gulls ---30 +

Baltic Gull x 1 adult north 

Pygmy Cormorant x 6 

Greater Cormorant x 10

Great Crested Grebe x 8 north

Grey Plover x 25 north 

Sanderling x 2

Curlew Sands x 10 north 

Dunlin x 8 

Swallows , 100's in off east

Red throated Pipit x 1 (landed on beach then off north)

In the dunes and bushes and small ponds 

Lesser Grey Shrike x 9 , Red backed Shrike x  21, LEO x 2 , LRP x 2 , Quail x 3 , Stone Curlew x 2 , 5 Nightjar in bushes.. 

Spotted Fly 20 + , Barred Warbler x 1 , RB fly x 2 , Pied Fly x 1 , Redstart x 2 , Garden Warbler x 2 , Willow Warbler x 20+ , Blackcap , Paddyfield Warbler x 2 , Icterine Warbler x 1 , Savis Warbler x 1 ,  Whitethroat x 1 , 1 Lesser Whitethroat, Red footed Falcon 30 + , Marsh Harrier x 20 , Bittern x 1 , Roller x 2 , Night Heron x 2 , Purple Heron x 7., Tawny Pipit x 2, Northern Wheatear x 8 ..Crested Larks..Yellow Wags , Dombrowskii , feldegg and supercilliaris

On the main Pond

Broad -billed Sandpiper x 7 , Curlew Sandpiper x 30 , Glossy Ibis x 25 , White Pelican x 20 , Dalmation Pelican x 2 , Black Winged Stilt x 20 , Garganey x 21, Ferruginous Duck x 8  , Little Stint 150 + , Wood Sandpiper x 15 , Spot red x 4 ,  Collared Pratincole x 15, GWEgrets ,Litlle Egret , Lapwing , Ringed Plover 

Tuesday 30 April 2024


 A stunning male Wheatear above this to me is a Greenland so bright and Orange almost like a different species to the one below which is a classic fem local type , Fox and Shelduck  , a few Whimbrel overhead..9+1+1+2..quick dash to Liverpool...!!!!!

Bridestones in the Sun......


Thursday 25 April 2024

White Storks ,

 2 White Storks flew west at aprox 17.15 .Only poor views but just managed to get them in the scope before they dropped below the horizon..These are my 5th and 6th White Storks from the house , the first two were from a European release scheme , the 3rd and 4th were from Harewood house and one of these ended up in Luddunden Foot  and the ring could easily be seen . No idea on these two but nice to see. Anyway next week they will be everywhere....YAY

Note****there were a few other records of two  White Storks in and around the country , including 2 at Burton Mere on the 27th..*****

*******And 2 over Ulverston on the 28th******* 

and 3 at Burton Mere on the 30th..will be interesting to see where they came from....

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Ned Hill track

 Had a quick walk on to the trees ,Willow Warbler , Robin,  Wren ,Skylark , Meadow Pipit , Linnet , Barn Owls , Curlew , Lapwing , Oystercatcher 2 over to Ogden , Swallows , LBBGulls , Starling , Blackbird, Greylag Goose , Jackdaw , Carion Crow , Magpie , Woodpigeon , Stock Dove , Collared Dove , Pheasants , BH Gulls 6 north , Heron , 6 Roe Deer....

Thursday 18 April 2024

River Trent , Gainsbrough

 A week in Nottingham doing some survey work , so this morning I had a walk on the River Trent  3 Lesser Whitethroat (such a shame we dont get these in Calderdale anymore) 4 Whitethroat , Widgeon , Gadwall , Shoveler , Little Egret , Teal , Shelduck , Willow Warbler , Blackcap , Yellow Wag , House Martin , Sand Martin , Swallow, Curlew , Lapwing  , and them BOOM..2 Common Crane south along the river. Could do with them in Calderdale as well......

Saturday 13 April 2024

Bridestones ..

 An excellent fall of  16 Wheatear at Bridestone's on the 11th ,with some stunning males in with them, full orange front and deep slate grey back with jet black masks , some looked Greenland types but did'nt seem that big .? A pair of Ravens were causing chaos with the Lapwings and  Curlews and its always nice to see proper breeding  Red Grouse such a beautiful red eye cover and that call is iconic. The first two Emperor Moth and a Northern Eggar caterpillar was also the first of the year. Skylarks , Snipe, Meadow Pipit , Kestrel and a distant House Sparrow could be heard calling...and a Woodpigeon kill looked like Peregrine

Saturday 6 April 2024


 An early morning visit produced 23 species including a pair of Wheatear ,Raven ,Curlew , Snipe , Oyks , Lapwing , Meadow Pipits , Skylark , 90 + Golden Plover , Barn Owl  and a Sand Martin north(last night)..roll on some good weather with light winds....

2024 so far....

Red Grouse , Fieldfare , Starling , Golden Plover , Snipe ,Oystercatcher , Curlew , Lapwing , Barn Owl, Hen Harrier , Buzzard ,Kestrel , Merlin , Stonechat , Rook , Carrion Crow , Magpie , Jackdaw , Raven, Common Pheasant , Mallard , Pink-footed Goose , Stonechat , Wren ,Woodpigeon , Stock Dove , Feral Pigeon ,Collared Dove ,  ,Robin , Mistle Thrush , Crossbill , Greenfinch , Chaffinch ,Reed Bunting , Meadow Pipit , Grey Heron , Pink-footed Goose , Canada Goose , Pied Wagtail , Wheatear , Black -headed Gull , Lesser Black backed Gull , Common Gull , Herring Gull  Sand Martin., House Sparrow 


Saturday 9 March 2024

Whooper Swans......

A message on the local grapevine of Pink Footed Geese S/W at 17.50 got me straight out looking , amazingly the loud call of Whooper Swans could be heard as soon as I got out of the house, 158 heading N/W ....great to see and hear....takes my garden count to around 650...!!!!!!

 6 Widgeon due west on the 14th was a good sighting .Lots of Buzzard and Sparrowhawk  display this week and very vocal Tawny Owls, 

24th March ,3 singing Chiffchaffs today and a steady trickle of LBBGulls west with a few Herrring Gulls and Meadow Pipits N/W.

Friday 8 March 2024



A family holiday at a friends house in Railay Beach , Not much birding done and the highlights around the House on the morning walk there  were singing Gibbons , Dusky Lagunas , Dark Thighed Falconet , Crested Goshawk , White Collared Kingfisher , Blue -eared and Red -throated Barbet , Pied Hornbill in small flocks of around 6 birds, Green billed Malkoha , House Swift , Asian Palm Swift , Pied Imperial Pigeon a small flock of 4 one morning was a real treat , singing Spotted Doves , Peaceful Pigeon , Pale Capped Pigeon was also unexpected , Whimbrel , Curlew ,Common Sandpiper ,  Brown Flycatcher and Artic Warbler in the garden..Good numbers of Pacific Reef Egret patrolled the shorelines,  Brahminy Kite and White Bellied Sea Eagle (magnificent),Osprey , Peregrine Falcon , Shirka ,were all pretty common . Large Billed Crows , Common Iora , Blue Rock Thrush ,Blue Whistling Thrush , Brown Flycatcher and Artic Warbler in the garden most days . Common Myna .The skies and cliffs were full of swallows mainly Pacific Swallows with young birds seen leaving the nest , Red - rumped Swallow and Straited Swallows the latter of the badia brick red form. Stripe-throated , Yellow Vented and Grey Eyed Bulbul , Common and Dark-necked Tailorbird , Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker , Brown throated and Olive backed Sunbird and Little Spiderhunter. Grey Wag ,  Tree Sparrow  and Plain Backed Sparrow .Apox 10,000 Fruit Bats flew over every night to feed in nearby forest.
   A couple of hours birding at Phatthalung saw , Pied Harrier , Easter Marsh Harrier , Blue Tailed Bee Eater , Painted Stork , Lesser Whistling Duck , Cotton Pygmy Goose , Oriental Pratincole , Bronze -Winged Jacana , Asian Open billed Stork , Little Cormorant , Little Grebe , White -throated and Common Kingfisher , Greater Coucal , Brown Backed Needle tail , Purple Swamphen , White breasted Water hen and Black Headed Munia