Friday 23 March 2018

March 22nd more Hens and Shorties

A flock of 11 Oystercatcher on the lower moors today along with plenty of Curlew and Lapwings displaying gave a slight indication of spring but the wind was still freezing .The crazy female Sparrowhawk was at it again flushing lapwings and Fieldfare. 4 Buzzards and 3 kestrels along the ridge.
Shorties were in view from the the moment I reached the dam wall , wing clapping , flight display and at 1 point 4 were in the air together .
  The first fully winged harrier came in at 16.30 flew around , landed on a post and picked at its tallons with its bill for a while and then took flight and  drifted back down the valley right over the res . The male  put on a good show coming in over the hill and then after a short bit of flying around showing the grey central tail feather fanned and the dark trailing edge to the secondries it went straight into roost and did not come out again (this may have been a different bird to the usual male as the dark trailing edge had white tips ?? .The tatty female came in next and was seen flying around for the next hour did a full circuit of the res and was joined by a fully wined ringtail. Loads of Curlew , Canadas , lapwing , Fieldfare and BH Gulls.As we passed dusk the harriers became difficult to id , but at least another 3 birds came into roost . What a fantastic winter it has been for Hen Harriers......

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