Wednesday 18 September 2024

Northowram Cricket Pitch

 The first 57 Pink -footed Geese over Northowram this morning , Ive seen a few  V formations distantly but this was right over the house. A big move of Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipts the last few days with 38 Meadow Pipits and 18 Pied Wags this morning all on the deck this morning  . 3 LBBgulls , 27 BH Gulls , 41 Starlings , 6 House Sparrow ,2 Blackbirds and a couple of Swallows.

   The sun has been good for butterfly's with 10 + Small Whites , 1 Large White , 3 Red Admiral , 1 Comma , 5 Small Copper , 10 + Speckled Woods , 1 Peacock and  a late Purple Hairstreak . Silver Y in the moth trap and the usual autumn fare..........

Monday 9 September 2024

France .......The Dordonge..

 Although the main purpose of this trip was to play cards(Bridge) the garden was quite superb for butterfly's. If I would have had a net and a bit more time 50 + species would have been possible but very happy with 29 . On arriving at the Old converted barn I had to meet everyone as I did not know anyone there , there was an old apple tree right in the centre of the garden with a few  rotting apples still on the branches, on one of these apples was a Lesser Purple Emperor...ahhhhh do I say hello or try and get a phone shot of the LPM....hahahahah.......

  List of Butterfly's in the garden 


Scarce Swallowtail

Large White

Small White



Clouded Yellow

Wood White /sp

Small Copper

Sooty Copper

Common Blue

Silver -Studded Blue

Holly Blue

Brown Argus

Adonis Blue

Chapmans Blue

Red Admiral

Southern White Admiral

Lesser Purple Emperor

Silver -Washed Fritillary

Meadow Fritillary

Weavers Fritillary

Knapweed Fritillary

Glanville fritillary



Speckled Wood (orange form)

Great Banded Grayling 

Small Heath

Also seen from Garden , Black Woodpecker , Great Spot W , Green Woodpecker , Short-toed Treecreeper , Corn Bunting , Alpine Swift , Cragg Martin , Pied Flycatchers , Spotted Flycatcher , Serin , Honey Buzzard , Kingfisher ,  Cattle Egret , GW and Little Egret, ....Also probably missed a 2 tailed Pasha , just flew through the garden at break neck speed ..very large with white band on wing....drat...