Sunday 12 May 2024

Romania..10th May 2024...Vadu sea watch and migrant search

 An amazing day at Vadu , Romania 

Seawatch 10.00 - 11.30 and 16.50 - 18.00

Nightjar ,x 40 , mostly female singles , 2 x 3(3 f + 2f + 1 m) )and 2 x 2 (3 f and 1 male) l , mostly very low to the sea north , but a few in off...

Artic Skua 4 north and 1 south 

Black -throated Diver  x 4 ,,3 north and 1 blogging

Little Tern x 5 

Hoopoe 1 in off

Bee-eater ----small groups north and in off

Black Tern x 150 + north

White winged black tern x 20 north 

Whiskered Tern x 2 north 

Sandwich Tern x 20 north 

Common Tern x 10 north 

Pallas's Gull x 1 adult summer north

Slender billed Gull x 2 north

Little Gull x 2 north 

Med Gull x 20 + north

Yellow legged Gulls ---30 +

Baltic Gull x 1 adult north 

Pygmy Cormorant x 6 

Greater Cormorant x 10

Great Crested Grebe x 8 north

Grey Plover x 25 north 

Sanderling x 2

Curlew Sands x 10 north 

Dunlin x 8 

Swallows , 100's in off east

Red throated Pipit x 1 (landed on beach then off north)

In the dunes and bushes and small ponds 

Lesser Grey Shrike x 9 , Red backed Shrike x  21, LEO x 2 , LRP x 2 , Quail x 3 , Stone Curlew x 2 , 5 Nightjar in bushes.. 

Spotted Fly 20 + , Barred Warbler x 1 , RB fly x 2 , Pied Fly x 1 , Redstart x 2 , Garden Warbler x 2 , Willow Warbler x 20+ , Blackcap , Paddyfield Warbler x 2 , Icterine Warbler x 1 , Savis Warbler x 1 ,  Whitethroat x 1 , 1 Lesser Whitethroat, Red footed Falcon 30 + , Marsh Harrier x 20 , Bittern x 1 , Roller x 2 , Night Heron x 2 , Purple Heron x 7., Tawny Pipit x 2, Northern Wheatear x 8 ..Crested Larks..Yellow Wags , Dombrowskii , feldegg and supercilliaris

On the main Pond

Broad -billed Sandpiper x 7 , Curlew Sandpiper x 30 , Glossy Ibis x 25 , White Pelican x 20 , Dalmation Pelican x 2 , Black Winged Stilt x 20 , Garganey x 21, Ferruginous Duck x 8  , Little Stint 150 + , Wood Sandpiper x 15 , Spot red x 4 ,  Collared Pratincole x 15, GWEgrets ,Litlle Egret , Lapwing , Ringed Plover 

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