Monday 13 May 2024

Romania Moths and Butterflies

 Mallow Skipper

Grizzled Skipper

Scare Swallowtail 

Small White 

Large White 

Green -veined White 

Eastern Bath White 

Eastern Dappled White

Orange Tip

Common Blue 

Small Blue 

Eastern Baton Blue

Brown Argus 

Silver -studded Blue

Clouded Yellow 

Pale Clouded Yellow

Large Copper

Small Copper

Small Heath 

Red Admiral

Wall Brown 


Queen of Spain Fritillary

Glanville Fritillary

Spotted Fritillary

Common Glider

Lasts years Butterflys not seen this year ,Swallowtail , Camberwell Beauty , Black -veined White , Silver Washed Fritillary and European Map (32 species)


Four - Spotted

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