Tuesday 14 May 2024

Romania May 2nd to 11th 2024

4 Demoiselle Crane ..bird s of the trip.......

 May in Romania is an amazing ornithological bonanza, migration off the Black Sea is phenomenal. Last year we recorded 209 species and this year 202 ,(without going into the mountains).In total 231 species in 3 weeks . Goshawk , Artic Skua , Pallid Harrier , Lesser Kestrel , Scop's Owl , Levant's Sparrowhawk , Hen Harrier , Black-eared Wheatear , Quail , Corncrake , Greater Flamingo , Yellowhammer, Kentish Plover , Green Sandpiper , Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler , Little Bittern , Middle Spotted Woodpecker , Caspian Tern , Cettis Warbler and Desmoiselle Crane were new to Romania for me..

This spring we managed to hit the passage of Black Terns and again Nightjar passage over the sea at Vadu.

A one and a half mile walk in Badabag Forest produced at least 30 Icterine Warbles singing  on territory , 15 Red Breasted Flycatchers and 10 Wood Warblers , Hawfinch were common , the highlight was a male Collared Flycatcher singing from a clearing in the wood . Common Glider was an excellent find and Glanville Fritillary showed exceptionally well . Lesser Spotted and Middle Spotted Woodpecker nests were found. and Syrian Woodpecker was commonly seen.

 On the coat near Istria there were apox 5000 + Black Terns (100's of White Winged Black and a few Whiskered mixed in) feeding just above an area of arable fields and a flock of 400 + Ruff and 10 + Red footed Falcons  in the same fields,  100+ flock of Little Gulls were on one of the nearby lakes.30 Red throated Pipits , 2 Honey Buzzards Drifted over and in the bushes Barred Warbler , Wryneck and Lesser Grey Shrike. White Pelicans were moving north and this is when Gary picked out the birds of the trip 4  Demoiselle Cranes , a lifer for all of us. Even those old buggars who saw the dodgy one at Spurns many years ago  (AC,AZ and NCarter). Gary also picked out a Lesser Kestrel that if accepted will be only the first for  21 years....

 No let up in the birding as we headed to Vadu , Lesser Spotted Eagles ,lots of Monty's Hen and a couple of  Pallid Harrier , Isabeline , Black -eared , Pied and Northern Wheatear , a small flock of 4 Woodchat Shrike , Rollers , Bee Eaters , Red Backed Shrikes ,waders on every small pool , mainly Wood Sands , Curlew Sands , Ruff and Little Stints but occasionally Temminck's and Kentish Plovers. Palla's Gull can be seen flying overhead most days on the coast.

  Vadu was birding heaven , same as last year with many highlights , but 57 + Nightjars in two days was exceptional. Broad billed Sands .

 Great views of Levants Sparrowhawk displaying was another highlight.


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