Friday, 31 January 2025

January 2025

1) Red Kite , 2) Peregrine Falcon , 3 ) Kestrel , 4) Sparrowhawk , 5 ) Hen Harrier , 6 ) Buzzard , 7 ) Barn Owl , 8 ) Little Owl , 9 )Tawny Owl , 10 ) Med Gull , 11)  LBBGull 12 ) GBBGull , 13 ) Herring Gull , 14 )Common Gull , 15 ) BH Gull , 16 )  Pink F Goose ,  17 ) Whooper Swan , 18 ) Mute Swan , 19) Coot , 20 ) Moorhen  , 21 ) Mallard , 22 ) Pochard , 23 ) Tufted Duck , 24 ) Scaup , 25 ) , Goldeneye  , 26 )  Shoveler , 27 ) Mandarin Duck ,  28 )  Widgeon , 29 ) Teal , 30 ) Goosander , 31 ) Little Grebe , 32) Greylag Goose , 33 )Canada Goose , 34) Red Grouse , 35)  Pheasant , 36 ) Red-legged Partridge , 37 ) Cormorant , 38 ) Grey Heron , 39 ) Kingfisher , 40 ) Dipper , 41 ) Grey Wagtail , 42 ) Pied Wagtail , 43) Lapwing , 44 ) Golden Plover , 45) Feral Pigeon , 46 ) Woodpigeon , 47 ) Stock Dove , 48 ) Collared Dove , 49 ) Great Spotted Woodpecker , 50 )Green Woodpecker , 51 ) Treecreeper , 52 ) Nuthatch ,  53 )Wren , 54 )Robin , 55 ) Dunnock , 56 ) House Sparrow , 57 )Tree Sparrow , 59 ) Meadow Pipit , 60 ) Skylark , 61 ) Chaffinch , 62 ) Brambling , 63) Goldfinch , 64 ) Greenfinch , 65 ) Redpoll , 66 ) Siskin , 67) Crossbill , 68 ) , Bullfinch 69 ) Reed Bunting , 70 ) , Blackbird , 71) Song Thrush , 72 ) Mistle Thrush , 73 ) Fieldfare , 74 ) Redwing , 75 ) Goldcrest , 76 ) Jay , 77) Raven , 78 ) Rook , 79 ) Jackdaw , 80 ) Carrion Crow , 81 ) Magpie , 82 ) Starling , 83 ) Blue Tit , 84 ) Great Tit , 85 ) Long - tailed Tit , 86 ) Cole Tit , 87 ) Stonechat , 88 ) Common Snipe, 89 ) Jack Snipe ,,,,,,,

    I was aiming for 90 species in January but missed it by 1 ,,,,,, missed , Yellowhammer , Grey Partridge , Woodcock , Twite , SEO , Great Crested Grebe , Little Egret  and Shelduck so 90 + is possible in a good January...or maybe 100 if you have the time and a bit of luck.....!!!!!

xxxx Stop press Male Blackcap first bird seen on the 1st Feb..that is the way it goes...xxxxx

Curlew and Oystercatcher makes 92 17th Feb.....

Barnacle Goose , Ringed Plover and Merlin 22nd Feb.....95

Short -eared Owl ..24th Feb ...96

Egyptian Goose x 3 at Cromwell Bottom ..97

                                      Photo's and finder Mike Sharpe ,  many thanks...

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