Sunday 25 September 2022


 An excellent week trapping at home with all the usual September moths , Lunar Underwing are the most common moth at the moment and still plenty LYU's about. I always think it getting into winter when you get your first Blairs Shoulder Knot and had a few this week...Frosted Orange , Brown Spot Pinion , Pink Barred and Barred Sallows , Autumn Green and Red Green Carpets and a few Snouts hanging on in there.....On the moors there is a massive number of Fox Moths, they seem to be on most patches of flowering heather.....a count of 107 on one large area was outstanding to see....

1 comment:

Alastair said...

One autumn I found hundreds of Fox Moth cats on Hoy, it was phenomenal. The species only occurs on Hoy and Flotta, never seen one on the moorland behind our house.