Sunday, 9 March 2025

100 species in Calderdale in 58 days

 Well with Redshanks at Lower Gorple and a singing Chiffchaff this morning , I made it to 100 species , with 42 days to is it possible to get 50 species in Calderdale before next year...probably not....LOL

1) Red Kite , 2) Peregrine Falcon , 3 ) Kestrel , 4) Sparrowhawk , 5 ) Hen Harrier , 6 ) Buzzard , 7 ) Barn Owl , 8 ) Little Owl , 9 )Tawny Owl , 10 ) Med Gull , 11)  LBBGull 12 ) GBBGull , 13 ) Herring Gull , 14 )Common Gull , 15 ) BH Gull , 16 )  Pink F Goose ,  17 ) Whooper Swan , 18 ) Mute Swan , 19) Coot , 20 ) Moorhen  , 21 ) Mallard , 22 ) Pochard , 23 ) Tufted Duck , 24 ) Scaup , 25 ) , Goldeneye  , 26 )  Shoveler , 27 ) Mandarin Duck ,  28 )  Widgeon , 29 ) Teal , 30 ) Goosander , 31 ) Little Grebe , 32) Greylag Goose , 33 )Canada Goose , 34) Red Grouse , 35)  Pheasant , 36 ) Red-legged Partridge , 37 ) Cormorant , 38 ) Grey Heron , 39 ) Kingfisher , 40 ) Dipper , 41 ) Grey Wagtail , 42 ) Pied Wagtail , 43) Lapwing , 44 ) Golden Plover , 45) Feral Pigeon , 46 ) Woodpigeon , 47 ) Stock Dove , 48 ) Collared Dove , 49 ) Great Spotted Woodpecker , 50 )Green Woodpecker , 51 ) Treecreeper , 52 ) Nuthatch ,  53 )Wren , 54 )Robin , 55 ) Dunnock , 56 ) House Sparrow , 57 )Tree Sparrow , 59 ) Meadow Pipit , 60 ) Skylark , 61 ) Chaffinch , 62 ) Brambling , 63) Goldfinch , 64 ) Greenfinch , 65 ) Redpoll , 66 ) Siskin , 67) Crossbill , 68 ) , Bullfinch 69 ) Reed Bunting , 70 ) , Blackbird , 71) Song Thrush , 72 ) Mistle Thrush , 73 ) Fieldfare , 74 ) Redwing , 75 ) Goldcrest , 76 ) Jay , 77) Raven , 78 ) Rook , 79 ) Jackdaw , 80 ) Carrion Crow , 81 ) Magpie , 82 ) Starling , 83 ) Blue Tit , 84 ) Great Tit , 85 ) Long - tailed Tit , 86 ) Cole Tit , 87 ) Stonechat , 88 ) Common Snipe, 89 ) Jack Snipe , 90 ) Blackcap , 91 )  Curlew  , 92 ) Oystercatcher , 93 ) Barnacle Goose , 94 ) Egyptian Goose ,  95 )Ringed Plover , 96) Short -eared Owl , 97 ) Redshank , 98 ) Woodcock ,99) Merlin  , 100) Chiffchaff 101)  Linnet  102) Great Crested Grebe

Thursday, 20 February 2025


                                                            Wreathed Hornbill

Monday, 17 February 2025

Great Hornbills Fraser's Hill Malaysia , 2024

Just received these from Graham a friend from Texas , after a long walk through the Frasers Hill Cloud /rain forest we had seen little , but we came to a clearing and watched these........amazing birds


Friday, 31 January 2025

January 2025

1) Red Kite , 2) Peregrine Falcon , 3 ) Kestrel , 4) Sparrowhawk , 5 ) Hen Harrier , 6 ) Buzzard , 7 ) Barn Owl , 8 ) Little Owl , 9 )Tawny Owl , 10 ) Med Gull , 11)  LBBGull 12 ) GBBGull , 13 ) Herring Gull , 14 )Common Gull , 15 ) BH Gull , 16 )  Pink F Goose ,  17 ) Whooper Swan , 18 ) Mute Swan , 19) Coot , 20 ) Moorhen  , 21 ) Mallard , 22 ) Pochard , 23 ) Tufted Duck , 24 ) Scaup , 25 ) , Goldeneye  , 26 )  Shoveler , 27 ) Mandarin Duck ,  28 )  Widgeon , 29 ) Teal , 30 ) Goosander , 31 ) Little Grebe , 32) Greylag Goose , 33 )Canada Goose , 34) Red Grouse , 35)  Pheasant , 36 ) Red-legged Partridge , 37 ) Cormorant , 38 ) Grey Heron , 39 ) Kingfisher , 40 ) Dipper , 41 ) Grey Wagtail , 42 ) Pied Wagtail , 43) Lapwing , 44 ) Golden Plover , 45) Feral Pigeon , 46 ) Woodpigeon , 47 ) Stock Dove , 48 ) Collared Dove , 49 ) Great Spotted Woodpecker , 50 )Green Woodpecker , 51 ) Treecreeper , 52 ) Nuthatch ,  53 )Wren , 54 )Robin , 55 ) Dunnock , 56 ) House Sparrow , 57 )Tree Sparrow , 59 ) Meadow Pipit , 60 ) Skylark , 61 ) Chaffinch , 62 ) Brambling , 63) Goldfinch , 64 ) Greenfinch , 65 ) Redpoll , 66 ) Siskin , 67) Crossbill , 68 ) , Bullfinch 69 ) Reed Bunting , 70 ) , Blackbird , 71) Song Thrush , 72 ) Mistle Thrush , 73 ) Fieldfare , 74 ) Redwing , 75 ) Goldcrest , 76 ) Jay , 77) Raven , 78 ) Rook , 79 ) Jackdaw , 80 ) Carrion Crow , 81 ) Magpie , 82 ) Starling , 83 ) Blue Tit , 84 ) Great Tit , 85 ) Long - tailed Tit , 86 ) Cole Tit , 87 ) Stonechat , 88 ) Common Snipe, 89 ) Jack Snipe ,,,,,,,

    I was aiming for 90 species in January but missed it by 1 ,,,,,, missed , Yellowhammer , Grey Partridge , Woodcock , Twite , SEO , Great Crested Grebe , Little Egret  and Shelduck so 90 + is possible in a good January...or maybe 100 if you have the time and a bit of luck.....!!!!!

xxxx Stop press Male Blackcap first bird seen on the 1st Feb..that is the way it goes...xxxxx

Curlew and Oystercatcher makes 92 17th Feb.....

Barnacle Goose , Ringed Plover and Merlin 22nd Feb.....95

Short -eared Owl ..24th Feb ...96

Egyptian Goose x 3 at Cromwell Bottom ..97

                                      Photo's and finder Mike Sharpe ,  many thanks...

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Excellent weather for Duck's

 Its been hard going so far in Calderdale , the best way to describe it is ..GREY...but its been good for Duck's

9 Goldeneye , the displaying males and females at Cromwell Bottom Ski lake are superb , Shoveler 3 (1m and 2 f) , Scaup (m and f ) , Pochard , Tufted Duck 27 + , 40 +  Mallard , 6 Teal have all put in an appearance at Cromwell , a pair of Widgeon feeding along the dam wall at Ringstone and 19 Mandarins on the River Ryburn . Lots of Goosander  about on the River Calder......

Monday, 13 January 2025

River Ryburn and mid January

 A walk along the river Ryburn today produced 19 Mandarin Duck by far my biggest count in Calderdale in fact anywhere , the 12 males  were in perfect plumage and 7 female types . Dipper , Moorhen and Mallards made for a great walk, Cromwell was very busy with 23 Tufted Duck , 2 Pochard , 2 Scaup , 8 Goldeneye , 5 Teal .500 Black headed gulls( the odd one or two with full black hoods)  , 100 Common Gulls , 3 LBBGulls (1 intermedius) and 6 Herring Gulls...12 Tree Sparrows on Jay House Lane on the 14th and 9 Teal on the small pond..

 11 Whooper Swans at Lower Gorple in terrible conditions , 8 Crossbills , Redpoll , Siskin , Cole Tits and Goldcrests in Walshaw Plantation 15th . Had 3 Brambling (thanks Martyn and Carol) today which made 80 species in Calderdale so far this year...

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 early January

  The Stonechat was still kicking about today which was a good way to start the year and Barn Owl at dusk.

 Hen Harrier , Peregrine Falcon and Crossbills today and some big flocks of Fieldfare at last , around Walshaw plantation.

Scaup at Cromwell with Tufted Duck , Goldeneye ,Goosander Grey Heron , Little grebe and Long-tailed Tits.

  Ringstone was busy with Adult Med Gull ,Kingfisher , Great-Black Backed  Gull high west  , Lapwing  245 + , Golden Plover 260 + and 8 skeins of Pink-footed geese west 1000 + birds involved, 3 Buzzards , Kestrel , , Bullfinch  , Goldfinch and  Fieldfare...5 days 60  species

9th Jan , had a quick look at Ogden but very little except a smart male Sparrowhawk , Goldcrest in the back garden and a Ring necked Parakeet at Shibden Park kept the year list ticking over.70 species in 9 days....its tough out there , every path frozen and one slip and its a broken ankle,,stay safe.....

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Lower Gorple + Excellent garden tick

 A excellent couple of evenings at Lower Gorple, 5 Crossbills , Raven ,  Sparrowhawk , Kestrel , Buzzard , Barn Owl , Fieldfare, Redwing , Reed Bunting , 6 Goldfinch , 4 Common Gull , 6 Herring Gulls , 50 Mallard  and some excellent views of Hen harriers .......

Julia was shouting down the stairs... there is small smart bird in the garden..sat on top of the Hydrangea it  was a male Stonechat..its a great garden tick , goes well with Redstart and Whitethroat over the years in the same bush....

Yorkshire Sculpture Park ..

Great Egret , Shoveler , Gadwall , 

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Great Egret

 Great Egret at  Harold Park today  catching fish and generally enjoying its surroundings....thanks to BS and NK for posting on the bloggs about this species...cheers

Friday, 29 November 2024

Walshaw Dean and Lower Gorple..RED Throated Diver

 Great to see 2 Peregrine Falcons together behind Walshaw Plantation today , spooked 5 Crossbills and a flock of Fieldfare , 1 Raven and a Ringtail Harrier also here. 

    The first Short eared Owl since the summer was a treat at Lower Gorple  , the adult male Hen Harrier put on a real show ,another 12 Crossbills over and a Barn Owll hunting close by. Another 2 ringtails and a Kestrel made for a great afternoon...

RED Throated  Diver in Hebden Bridge today....!!!!!!!!!!..

Seen  a good run of birds recently in Calderdale ..Slav Grebe , Red Throated Diver , Caspian Gulls , Crossbills , Short -eared Owl , The Tanager , Barn Owl and Little Egret (from the garden ) Scaup ,Common Scoter ,  Male Hen Harrier's and  Yellow -legged Gull's , 

Butterfly's of Malaysia


Malayan Jezabel

Tree Nymph

                                                           Striped Blue Crow
                                                               Abnormal Sergeant

Common Duffer
Tailed Judy
Rajah Brooke's Birdwing
Rich Sailer
White Headed Batwing
Yellow Glassy Tiger
Himalayan Jester


Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Hawkmoth's on Fraser's Hill , Malaysia 2024

 When we set off I was hoping to see as many Hawkmoth especially a Deaths head species as possible , as I knew the other species would be hard to Id for a first timer in Malaysia. I sort of thought 30 in my head would be a great total (but unlikely). We ended up on 32 species......amazing

Greater Deaths head Hawkmoth
Mango Hawkmoth

Malaysia Beetles etc....

Cerulean Carpenter Bee
Southern Titiwansa Bent-Gecko
Giant Stag Beetle Odontolabis castelnaudi
Dragon Mantis Toxodera Hausri
Batocera parryi
EMPRESS CICADA(6 o'clock  cicada time)

                                                 Cyriopalus species

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Blyth's Hawk Eagle

 Found on Fraser's Hill Malaysia , Blyth's Hawk Eagle............

Malaysian Moths

 The recent trip to Malaysia with Anthony Arak to see the moths of Fraser's Hill (with David Fisher , Stephen Hogg  and Khalid  Fadil  , 3 of the worlds expert's on Malaysian Moths) was truly mind blowing. There was at least  7/8 traps on every night and we wandered around seeing some of the most amazing moths on the planet . They were everywhere , Malaysian Moon Moths , Atlas Moths , Silk Moths , 30  + Hawkmoth Species , Hearsey's Owl Moth Brachmaea , Genus Sacada , Grambidae like you've never seen , Tiger moths sp  , Goat Moth sp  ,etc etc . 500 + species that we took photos of and could remember , but over 1100 species recorded by the group....There was  also the most varied selection of Stick Insects , Beetles , Snakes , Spiders , Birds all around the Hotel , it was 100% concentration needed to keep on top of it all....If you ever get chance to go...just go for it....

MCM Discovery Villa , Fraser's Hill ,Malaysia............

                   The Orange Drinker   Euthrix Laeta

                 Gastropacha leopoldi

Mustilizans dierli
                                                                Tridrepana fulvata (male and female)

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Walshaw Dean and Lower Gorple .....

 A beautiful day and the first snow and heavy deep frost.

9 Crossbills in the plantation , 20 Goldfinch , 20 Siskin , 6 Redpoll . 6 Stonechats , 1 Mistle Thrush , 2 x Great Spot , Fieldfare and the odd Mistle Thrush . 

Lower Gorple had a juv Peregrine on show for most of the afternoon , which hassled the Harriers as they came into roost ,3 ringtails , it was bitterly cold as soon as the sun went down and a Merlin was hunting the top moor , Buzzard , Sparrowhawk and Kestrel . The overflow was full of Meadow Pipits but nothing else in with them...30 + Mallards , 60 Jackdaws over to roost , a distant calling Raven and Little Owl back in a regular spot on the way home .

 When I got back to the car after taking this photo , my boot laces were so frozen solid , I had to drive with them on till they defrosted and I could take them off.......LOL LOL...